Thursday 28 June 2007

Jesus: the Lion of Judah has started to roar in Guildford town...

"...Look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the heir to David's throne, has conquered..."
Revelation 5:5

"These people rise up like a lioness;
like a majestic lion they stand."Number 23:24
Sowing seeds of revival in Guildford area
through prophetic worship & pray on the
Mount every Fridays night from 8 pm.

Everyone is welcome!

"And the Holy Spirit helps us in our
weakness. For example, we don’t know

what God wants us to pray for. But the
Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings
that cannot be expressed in words. And
the Father who knows all hearts knows
what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit
pleads for us believers in harmony with
God’s own will".
Romans 8:26-27

All Together Praying at the Mount on
Fridays night.You are welcome to join us!

"Suddenly, there was a sound from
heaven like the roaring of a mighty
windstorm in the skies above them,
and it filled the house where they
were meeting. Acts 2:2

Prophetic worship & evangelism at the
Tunsgate on every Wednesdays from
8pm. Everyone is welcome!

"For God is Spirit, so those who worship
him must worship in spirit and in truth.”
John 4:24

Jesus appeared to his disciples and : "As
He spoke, He showed them the wounds
in His hands and His side. They were
filled with joy when they saw the Lord!
Again He said, “Peace be with you. As
the Father has sent me, so I am sending
you.” Then He breathed on them and
said, Receive the Holy Spirit."John 20:20-22

You are welcome to join us on any
Wednesday and Friday nights!