Friday 28 December 2007



Last official appointment of the year 2007 for Brazil's President Lula da Silva in Brasilia today it was with KAKA - FIFA World Player 2007. KAKA who loves Jesus a lot presents the Brazil's President with a t-shirt written on it: I BELONG TO JESUS. Awesome testimony to the viewers on the News Worldwide!

The Brazilians KAKA , PELE AND MARTA rejoices with all the the Futebol Worldwide fans!

We are also winning in Guildford! I personally prayed with six people who committed their lives to Jesus during our trials for "Hot & Holy" and the outreach on the High Street this month. Praise be to God!
Lots of fun, music, dance, gift wrapping, mince pies on the High Street with the volunteers for Jesus.
Chris Hawes and Jessica De Carvalho

Righteousness is shining at The Salvation Army hall.
Happy Volunteer Team at "Hot & Holy" trials.

At "Hot and Holy" trials we served 65 free meals and 80 free coffees & teas.
It was a success! Praise be to God!

Now we envisage to commence on the 3rd of January 2008 without stopping.

And we need your help to continue to establish the House Of Prayer & Evangelism - H.O.P.E. Fellowship full time in Guildford centre.

Our budget for the HOPE Fellowship this year 2008 is £20,000 pounds only.

Please do ask the Lord what you should contribute for this godly vision to became a reality in Guildford town; all for the expansion of His Kingdom in this area.

Here below is the bank account details for those that would like to help us financially- THANK YOU!

Oaks of Righteousness Foundation
Lloyds TSB Bank
Sort code: 309374
Account number: 0481231

May the seeds that you would sow in this work of God through our team would grow and multiply in your life a 100% fold. Shalom to you and Happy New Year!

PS. Please contact Jon on 07962 598827 for more information- thank you!

Monday 3 December 2007

Guildford H.O.P.E. Fellowship is launching "HOT & HOLY" soon. Don't miss it!

(click on it to enlarge)

We are going to the High Street of Guildford on the 11th, 13th and 15th of December. On Saturday the 15th we are going to have a band of Christian musicians playing worship songs on the High Street next to the Tunsgate, please contact us if you want to be involve in any of this events:
  • worship God with music, dance and arts

  • pray for people on the High Street and engage on evangelism

  • wrap presents and give away mince pies, etc.

And on the 11th & 13th of December (next week) from 12pm to 2pm we are going to have a trial day for what we called "Hot & Holy". For this event we still need some help with the following:

  • Another voluntary or chef with valid hygiene certificate to help us on the 11th and 13th of December 2007.
  • Ongoing prayers for the team and for those that will be benefit from these events in many ways.
  • More volunteers to pray one to one while worship goes on and free meal will be served too.

And for the whole year of 2008 we need your prayers and support for the following:

  • A permanent premises or a release of funds that will enable us to have a place in town for the House Of Prayer & Evangelism Fellowship at the beginning of 2008.

Would you like to help or be a voluntary; please contact John asap on his mobile: 07962 598827

Thank You!

PS. Friends here below see some insights and pictures of us been abandoned in God's presence at "The Veil Torn" Mission Worship Conference in Eastbourne last month on the 23-25 weekend. Awesome!

Chris Bowater & John Paculabo (MD Kingsway-UK) picture below raised on that day more than a quarter of a million pounds toward the Godly work of Ray of Hope with the poor children in the Amazonas-Brazil.

Listen friends of Jesus in UK: This English bread cast
upon the waters of the nation of Brazil is going to come back to UK a hundred times fold with the anoint of the HOLY SPIRIT IN WORSHIP AND GREAT HARVEST OF SOULS IN LONDON 2008. Just wait and you will see God's multiplication in the anoint upon the Britons. Hallelujah!

Divine encounter: Gloria Santos(Amazonas-Brasil); John De Carvalho(Guildford-UK) and Aaron Keyes(Atlanta-USA).

Matt Redman(UK), George(Zimbabwe) and Quinn(South Africa) lead us wild in the presence of God through worship.

Guess who is blowing the Shofar behind the Brazilian flag? Yes, you are right, its me, eh!

More than 1500 attendees and worship leaders based in UK and Europe.

George Mhondera and Quin both worship and live in Guildford.

Amazing worship lead by Geraldine Latty. This annointed worship woman lead us into the Holy of Holies. It was awesome-unforgetable! PRAISE THE LORD BECAUSE HE IS GOOD AND HIS LOVE ENDURES FOREVER!