Wednesday 30 May 2007

We praise God for those lives that came from
Tony's Ministry Training Institute, Kelowna, Canada.
Currently they are on their way to Russia.
Click on pictures to enlarge it.

We welcome anyone from anywhere who are like this
team of Canadians. Who are passionate for Jesus and
want to perform an evangelistic pantomine, play
praise & worship songs, do drama, give testimonies
and share the love of Christ on Guildford High Street.
Any day at any time!

Courtesy: Emma Delaney

If you call me a Gatekeeper...
I will say that the Gates of Heaven above
Guildford High Street are open now.

If you call me a Watchman ...
I will tell you that a mighty army of God
is coming down now to assist anybody
willing to serve God in Guildford area.

If you call me a Donkey...
I will smile and shout to you that the
Angel of the Lord is in front of you;
can you see Him?

P.S. "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written,
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
Romans 10:14,15

Tuesday 8 May 2007

Church on the Street?

For the last year I have noticed that Muslims, Hare Krishna devotees, Hindus and Morris Dancers ALL worship and demonstrate their beliefs on Guildford High Street.

IT IS TIME FOR THE CHURCH IN GUILDFORD TO MOVE OUT OF THEIR BUILDINGS AND REACH OUT TO THE LOST ON THE STREETS AND MARKET PLACE. Therefore I would like to invite all Christians to come and Worship God with me in Tunsgate and celebrate the good news that Jesus Christ is alive today! ALL WELCOME!

Thursday 3 May 2007

God's Love Does Transform Lives...


God's Love Does Transform Lives...

I have the privilege of seeing that happen either for many poor children that came out from living at risk on the streets of Brazil or those that God's have used my life to lead them to Christ Jesus in the last 26 years of serving Him faithfully and obedient to His word. I have chosen since 1981 to dedicate my life totally to love God and love my neighbour with all my heart, spirit,mind and soul and live to serve the poor as a full time volunteer in the frontline mission for more than 22 years now. I have also learned that if God can use an ordinary person like me to save hundreds and hundreds of desperate children and adults He can use anyone that dares to believe in Him and obey His commands of love. In October 2000 when I handed over the Presidency of Happy Child Mission to Pastor Paulo which I was overseeing since its begining in 1993 in Brazil only that year our records showed that our team of 80 staff had successfully helped to transform and rescue 1.203 lives of children and some of their relatives with the practical love of Jesus Christ to whom the majority had committed to and began to follow.

As showed on this news letter below [which was published at that time] we can see the amazing work of the Holy Spirit through our faithfull and dedicated staff and volunteers all the results of living by faith and obedience to God we only can praise Him for it.



Please continue below to view 4 documents that explain my leadership characteristics in serving our Lord Jesus Christ.
Within these documents is the total transparency and accountability we held while stewarding the resources our God trusted us with.