Saturday 10 November 2007


“The Lord God, who inspires his prophets, has sent his angel to tell his servants what will happen soon. ” Revelation 22:6

Dear Friends in Jesus,

Great prosperity has come to BRASIL! This has been caused by miracle after miracle this year!!!

Breaking News: "Brazil was celebrating one of the world's biggest oil discoveries of recent years yesterday (NOVEMBER 9, 2007), a huge deposit off the coastline of Rio de Janeiro, which officials claim will take it into the major league of the world's biggest energy powers. The find at the Tupi field, about 155 miles off Rio, could yield a total of 8bn barrels of light crude and represent 40% of the oil ever found in Brazil. "
"Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets." Amos 3:7

In fulfilment of all God’s words given to me to the President Lula in June 16th 2006, which says: “I AM going to bring great prosperity over the nation of Brazil that has never happened before starting on January 1st 2007**. And I AM (says the Lord) giving you (President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva) a second chance [to be re-elected] to fulfil your vows to Me and to do justice and righteousness for the poor in Brazil” says the Lord!

At the time nobody knew this date also would be the date that the prophesised re-election of President Lula’s new mandate will start.

The date of January 1st 2007, become a turning point mark in the history and economy of the nation of Brazil as God said to me. (please see full story in Blog archive posted in March)

The series of events that boomed the economy and caused the Brazilian stock market BOVESPA to rise since that very day has proved that God’s words given to me to give to the President in our divine encounter in Olinda-Recife was true and has become fulfilled 100%!!! Praise God!

The mighty hand of God is upon the nation of Brazil! And I believe it is because God’s divine plan is to send out the Brazilians to bless the nations with the Gospel and bring justice for the poor. Please welcome these servants of God in your home, church and country and partner with them because these are forerunners of the world wide revival that is coming soon.

"Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets." Amos 3:7

This is the same loving God that I serve and whom I love passionately for 27 years of my new life in Christ which mostly 22 years I fully dedicated to voluntary work in evangelism and serving the poorest in Brazil and Africa. Now God has planted me in Guildford- UK to do a pioneer Christian platform for mission to the nations.

To begin with we feel THIS IS THE TIME after a year preparation to start with a House of Prayer & Evangelism in Guildford town.

Therefore we need your help in this new beginning.

Please prayerfully consider getting involved on this adventure with God in advancement of His Kingdom in this world.
For more details, please contact me direct on my mobile phone: +44 (0)7962 598827 or by e-mail:

Thank you and God bless you!
“Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be able to stand firm. Believe in his prophets, and you will succeed.” 2 Chronicles 20:20

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