Friday 25 July 2008


Mauricio, John De Carvalho and Pra. Alice together... Allways fighting on behalf of the poorest and giving hope to the lost in Contagem, Belo Horizonte.

John helped to coordinate this evangelism at the shanty-town in Belo Horizonte. (click to enlarge photo)

One hundred and fourteen missionares came from south, north, west and east to do evangelism with us in one of the most dangerous shanty town near our church at the same day pastor Rick Warren was here.

Pastor Rick Warren came and it was awesome! More than 3,000 pastors and bussinessmen attended the meetings with pastor Rick. Remarkable day for all of us! Praise God!

WE MUST GO IN JESUS' NAME and preach the Gospel to everyone, everywhere and we will see the harvest coming to our hands. Hallelujah!
Many decisions for Christ were made amongst tears and smiles during our outreach. Now we are preparing for the follow up with them in a retreat of three days of lots of pray, worship, teaching and fun. Please pray for this new converts which came from this poor community were many were involve in crimes such as traffic of heavy drugs, robbery, etc.
Jesus is invading heal through our lives here in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Hallelujah!

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