Tuesday 2 September 2008


Fortaleza city in the North of Brazil is getting warm with the power and fire of God that came down during the First Conference for Spiritual Leaders last week. Leaders from all over Brazil were soaking in God's loving presence - awesome Hallelujah!
John was invited to Fortaleza by Pastor Gildo and the Apostle Abe Huber who have planted 422 Churches in the Amazon Region near Santarem City. They have more than 22,000 disciples of Jesus Christ there. Now they launched the First Conference of "Winning multitudes for Christ Jesus and taking good care of them all" in Fortaleza city.

"Fishing on the sea of Fortaleza"

This church in Fortaleza city were planted by the Apostle Abe Huber and his team just two years ago. Now they are having 3 services on Sundays and a fenomenal health growth amongst theirs 1.800 new disciples.

John with Apostle Abe Huber and Gilvan's family in Fortaleza last weekend.

John were invited to preach in Pitangui "the gold city" last month (Church founded by Apostle Melvin Huber, 40 years ago). During the service that also broadcast live on local radio, more than a hundred people gave their lives to Jesus Christ. It was awesome to see God's love touching the people's lives - praise the Lord for His grace and faithfulness to me!

*in memorian of a great servant of God who's life produced many eternal fruits for the Lord Jesus. Please see more information on http://www.igrejadapaz.com.br/fortaleza/

Many were healed here. The people didn't won't to leave until 3 am, all hunger for God's love, power and miracles!

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