Friday 24 September 2010

+ 70 Billion dollars to Brazil's Petrobras on 23/September/2010. President Lula was moved into the discourse and began to speak to divine help in the construction of "new times that Brazil is experiencing." "I thank God we're living this moment. I think God was very generous with the Brazilian people, who had long awaited the chance to be respected in the world as we are today," said Lula.

Tuesday 2 September 2008


Fortaleza city in the North of Brazil is getting warm with the power and fire of God that came down during the First Conference for Spiritual Leaders last week. Leaders from all over Brazil were soaking in God's loving presence - awesome Hallelujah!
John was invited to Fortaleza by Pastor Gildo and the Apostle Abe Huber who have planted 422 Churches in the Amazon Region near Santarem City. They have more than 22,000 disciples of Jesus Christ there. Now they launched the First Conference of "Winning multitudes for Christ Jesus and taking good care of them all" in Fortaleza city.

"Fishing on the sea of Fortaleza"

This church in Fortaleza city were planted by the Apostle Abe Huber and his team just two years ago. Now they are having 3 services on Sundays and a fenomenal health growth amongst theirs 1.800 new disciples.

John with Apostle Abe Huber and Gilvan's family in Fortaleza last weekend.

John were invited to preach in Pitangui "the gold city" last month (Church founded by Apostle Melvin Huber, 40 years ago). During the service that also broadcast live on local radio, more than a hundred people gave their lives to Jesus Christ. It was awesome to see God's love touching the people's lives - praise the Lord for His grace and faithfulness to me!

*in memorian of a great servant of God who's life produced many eternal fruits for the Lord Jesus. Please see more information on

Many were healed here. The people didn't won't to leave until 3 am, all hunger for God's love, power and miracles!

Monday 11 August 2008

Shine Jesus shine - in our town!

The deaf heard, the blind saw, the tormenteds were set free and many left their wheel chairs and walked and run in front of a multitude stimated in 30,000. All the event was broadcasted live to all territory of Brazil. This is REVIVAL - HALLELUJAH!
Under a bright day yesterday in a Central Station Square of the city of Belo Horizonte, thousands of people were touched by God's power, love and grace.
I have never seen before so many people healed at once with all kind of terminal diseases and deliverance of evil spirits - it was awesome to be part of it and see the body of Jesus in action destroying Satan's works! Hallelujah!

(click on picture to enlarge)

Thousands have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour on the Square in Belo Horizonte and in all over Brazil via live broadcasting appeal. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!

Saturday 2 August 2008

Hurra! Several were healed by Jesus yesterday!

The Lord Jesus (as John prayed after preaching here) healed a 5 years old boy named Talis from kidney problem. Talis was serious ill. He had tubes hanged outside his stomach that after been healed were removed by the doctors who confirm this miracle and ...

Yesterday several adults were healed too. Some with back bones problems, others with many diseases and many also received Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. It was a mini revival that begun to happen in that small town. Hallelujah!

Friday 25 July 2008


Mauricio, John De Carvalho and Pra. Alice together... Allways fighting on behalf of the poorest and giving hope to the lost in Contagem, Belo Horizonte.

John helped to coordinate this evangelism at the shanty-town in Belo Horizonte. (click to enlarge photo)

One hundred and fourteen missionares came from south, north, west and east to do evangelism with us in one of the most dangerous shanty town near our church at the same day pastor Rick Warren was here.

Pastor Rick Warren came and it was awesome! More than 3,000 pastors and bussinessmen attended the meetings with pastor Rick. Remarkable day for all of us! Praise God!

WE MUST GO IN JESUS' NAME and preach the Gospel to everyone, everywhere and we will see the harvest coming to our hands. Hallelujah!
Many decisions for Christ were made amongst tears and smiles during our outreach. Now we are preparing for the follow up with them in a retreat of three days of lots of pray, worship, teaching and fun. Please pray for this new converts which came from this poor community were many were involve in crimes such as traffic of heavy drugs, robbery, etc.
Jesus is invading heal through our lives here in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Hallelujah!

Wednesday 16 July 2008

We became God's Shofar and the Holy Spirit is blowing stronger now - Hallelujah!

Our team members & associates are shinning beautifully...Glory to God! Here is Pastor Antonio Carlos & Claudia (prophetic worship leader) in action.

John teaching missionaries at Divinopolis. Awesome!

God's afluence and influence has been increased through our lives every day. Praise be to God!
Next week we will participate together of a day with pastor Rick Warren in Belo Horizonte and at night with thousands of ministers of the Gospel in our church Baptist Lagoinha (