Thursday 15 March 2007

God's anointing is being poured out on Brazil...and it's coming to Britain

On the 8th of March, 2007 President Bush is received by President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva in Brazil…if you look in this picture the paths ahead between both Presidents forms a double cross connected to each other (north and south aligned?). Perhaps the two trees behind the banners symbolise God's authority given to them for this time?

Good News: On 9th March, 2007 President Bush Heralds Biofuels Pact with Brazilian Leader the President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva who is anointed by God for this time! As God have spoken to the President through me, now He have started the prosperity era and growth on the economy of Brazil and that is going to increase because God is not a man to lie. This Pact is one example that confirms the prophetic words given to the President of Brazil and is going to bless many other poor nations and the global environment too! Praise the Lord because He is faithfull!

God also has great plans for the nation of Brazil and United Kingdom together from this time 2007!

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair with President Lula in Brazil.

President Lula greeted by Her Majesty Elizabeth II Queen of United Kingdom.

Three unforgettable consecutive days of my life in Recife- Olinda-Brazil with an outpour of the Holy Spirit and then His whisper voice in my ears saying: "This is just the beginning."

First Day: Friday 16 of June, 2006 Divine encounter of the President of Brazil Luis Inacio Lula da Silva and me in Olinda-Recife exactly as the Holy Spirit had showed me in a vision that I had in Guildford...

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Second Day: Saturday 17 of June, 2006 Worshipping Jesus with thousands of believers on the streets of Recife where 10,000 Jews spend their summer holiday every year.

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Third Day: Sunday 18 of June, 2006 preaching the good news and releasing the anointing of the Holy Spirit in a local church in Recife.

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As I did believed and walked in obedience to the Holy Spirit's revelation given to me in Guildford, then I have been privileged to speak God's word and prophesise to the nation's new President of Brazil and this is the whole story of our divine encounter:

In Guildford, on the night of 12th of May 2006 I was seeking God in my bedroom for His Will regarding my future and for the future of the nation of Brazil. God's tangible presence like holy fire came around me and remained for about six hours. I could not sleep. Suddenly, at around 3 am, I saw in a kind of dream or vision myself in the presence of the President of Brazil, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva*. He confidentially confessed his sins and immediately after the Holy Spirit prompted me to put my right hand on his shoulder. A powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon us. Then God gave me the following words for the President: “'I AM going to bring great prosperity over the nation of Brazil that has never happened before starting on January 1st 2007. And I AM (says the Lord) giving you (President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva) a second chance [to be re-elected] to fulfil your vows to Me and to do justice and righteousness for the poor in Brazil' says the Lord.”

*At that time President Lula was not a candidate for re-election and was at his lowest reputation rate in the poles. Sixty-nine politicians, most from Lula's party, had been found guilty of corruption including several ministers and senators.

Having no money at all and only a return ticket to Brazil to a place called Recife-Olinda-Brazil* for the 4th of June (Pentecost day in the UK); I received an invitation to minister on 25th of May 2006 in a home group at Kumar & Laura Selvakumaran's house in Guildford-UK (they are also close friends of Heidi Baker from Iris Ministries in Mozambique). As that evening went along we were in a remarkable way guided by the Holy Spirit and His presence, with love and joy felt by all; we also felt an impartation of faith and the anointing that was upon me was passed onto them too. After ministering to everyone, I felt a prompting of the Holy Spirit to share about God's revelation to me regarding meeting and prophesising to the President of Brazil. It was a beautiful moment when I bowed down in the Presence of the Lord surrendering all to God with my hands up and all the brothers and sisters around me praying and laying their hands with oil on me - it was awesome! Without me knowing, they also raised an offering that was enough for me to buy food while in Recife. But what they didn't know or and could not figure out was how quickly a series of events was about to take place in my life making what appeared just a dream or vision into something real.

(*Note: Recife-Olinda is located in the north east of Brazil and where the first Jewish synagogue in south America was established by Jews from Holland and Crypto Jews who later were massacred and persecuted by the Portuguese in the 16th century. The Jews that managed to survive that persecution went to the Dutch Antilles where twenty-three of these emigrants arrived in New Amsterdam which then became the City of New York and where they founded the first Jewish community.)

President Lula learning how to blow a Shofar in synagogue in Sao Paulo and then

practising it in a jewish ceremony at the Palace of Planalto in Brasilia.

After my arrival in Recife, on the 8th June 2006 I wrote an e-mail letter to the President of Brazil asking if I would have a chance to see him. The answer which came on the 19th June 2006 in a official letter (below) was a polite NO! The President's office in Brasilia is 1,200 miles away from where I was given hospitality by the missionary couple and friends Rev. Ian & Simea Meldrum who also work with the poor and destitute families in Olinda-Recife. Nevertheless, as I was on my knees at 8:30 am on the 16th June 2006 saying to God that I had done everything in my power about His revelation to me. And I faithfully surrendered it all to God again. As I did that and raised my hands up, my mobile rang! Normally before starting to pray I turn it off and I say to myself that even the President of Brazil will not interrupt me talking to God now. Well, I felt the Lord saying to me to answer that call, which was not from the President but from a Christian friend saying the following: “John, I felt a prompt to call you and to ask you do you know who has arrived in the middle of the night, out of the blue in Recife-Olinda? I said, no! He then said: the President of Brazil!” My heart jumped and I took a deep breath and asked him where the President was going to be. He said:“Near where you are staying, just 10 minutes drive” I quickly said goodbye to him and I made a phone call to another Christian friend asking if he would like to meet with the President. His reply was YES! I picked him up and we drove to the place where the President was due to arrive in 20 minutes. Hundreds of people were arriving on a improved site in the middle of a motorway, just for the event. I found the head of security and told him that I wanted to speak to the President. He spoke in code on his radio and sent us to another area where someone would be able to lead me to the President when he would arrive before he takes the platform. When we arrived in that area the Holy Spirit spoke to me and asked, “Are you arranging this meeting or am I?” I immediately repented and asked what He wanted me to do. The Holy Spirit told me to go to the middle of the crowd and that He would bring the President of Brazil to me.
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The whole time that the President was on the platform he seemed to be looking away from the cameras and other politicians towards me.

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Suddenly the President stood up and came down from the platform. The President bodyguards cleared a way through the crowd in front of him. He walked straight to me, took my right hand and held it to his chest. We looked straight at one another. I explained that God has sent me from England to prophesy over him. I put my hand on his shoulder as I had seen in the vision. A powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon us. I said the exact words that God had given me for him which are: “’I AM going to bring a great prosperity over the nation of Brazil that has never happened before starting on January 1st 2007. And I AM (says the Lord) giving you (President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva) a second chance [to be re-elected] to fulfil your vows to Me and to do justice and righteousness for the poor in Brazil’ says the Lord.”. The President said “Amen, Amen!” He was moved and gave me a bear hug and said “Muito Obrigado!” He smiled and laughed. The president then left and as I watched him leaving and started to thank God for making the dream a reality, then the Holy Spirit cleary said to me: “this is just the beginning”.

On 24th of June 2006 after our divine encounter the President Lula became a candidate for the Presidential election, but in the October more corruption in his party was exposed. It seemed impossible that he would win the election. But he began to publicly repeat the words that God had given to me for him saying, “I will govern Brazil for all the Brazilians but in my mind and in my actions I will give preference to the poor and make Brazil a nation more just.”

On 29th of October 2006 Luis Inacio Lula da Silva was re-elected with more than 60% of the votes.

The President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva on his first speech on 1st January 2007 when his second presidential mandate has begun he publicly declared and confirmed his serious commitment to God and to the people of Brazil to do everything in his power for righteousness and justice for the poor and to transform Brazil into a more just nation. Hallelujah!

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Above is the official reply letter from Brazil's President Cabinet Director apologising that the President of Brazil had a busy agenda and couldn't meet with me in his palace in Brasilia. So, God Almighty brought the President where I was 3 days before this letter were sent to me, simple as that, halleluijah!

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